Video Transcript!
I’m Jessica Poundstone and I am an artist. I live in Portland, Oregon and actually grew up here…so the hipsters call us unicorns.
My work is really color focused, it’s mostly abstract - it’s really exploring the territory of how we are connected emotionally to color. I just love color, I love how it can make us feel, I love how there can be this space that we have that’s sort of a safe space that’s lush, that’s surrounding us is something that I’m always striving to do more and think about more and get more of.
Superbloom is something that I dreamed up with Rose Lazar from Cosmic Peace Studio and Amy Rowan who runs A Sometimes Gallery.
A Superbloom is this phenomenon where a bunch of flowers bloom in the desert kind of out of the blue and, if you look more closely at that phenomenon it’s all of these different factors that are happening that made that possible.
When I was thinking about this show and thinking about human flourishing and what we can do to create that environment for ourselves. How we’re spending our time, where we spend our money, what we put in our homes and the spaces that we live in. And how can we - even if it’s just little things here and there - create an environment where we can flourish where our communities can flourish and, you know, superbloom.
I really hope that people connect emotionally with my work that it feels like a totem for them, that they can come back to it, that as they live with it they’re gonna have a good feeling about it that it’s gonna feel warm, that it’s gonna feel nurturing, dare I say! - and that it will just give them a moment of time where they can just feel comfortable in themselves.
It’s really wonderful to walk in and just feel surrounded by color and just so positive and so happy. It’s been wonderful to see everybody’s response.
I really really want my work to connect with people and to create positive energy in people’s spaces. That’s the bottom line.