Portland artist/activist/author/legend Lisa Congdon got in touch last summer to say that she was trying to choose a couple of pieces from my Power Color series for her living room (!!!). I just happened to have test prints of all of the pieces in the series on hand, and offered to let her peruse them. She agreed that would help, so I dropped them off at her house (turns out we were living just about 5 minutes apart before we moved from Buckman to Creston-Kenilworth in August!)
A few weeks later, voila! Power Color 2: Your Presence is Required in the Blush to Crimson Colorway (top right) and Power Color 1: Love is Real in the Ivory to Blue Colorway (below right) were hanging in her living room!
Photo credit Lisa Condon/Clay Walsh via Milkshake’s Insta
This photo also features Milkshake, the latest addition to her family and if you’re not already following all of the adorable antics, you need to get over to Milkshke’’s Insta for a mental health boost.
I gotta share this bonus pic too, because this dog and this sweater (from Bauhound) are TOO MUCH CUTENESS TO HANDLE.
Photo credit Lisa Condon/Clay Walsh via Milkshake’s Insta
So honored and thrilled to have wall space in Lisa & her wife Clay’s dreamy home. Thanks Lisa!!!