Yep, I am saying hi to YOU. If you think you might possibly be an artist, you are one. Even if you can’t quite bring yourself to call yourself an artist yet — don’t worry, you’ll get there.

Ok, now that that’s settled, let’s talk for a second here.

I believe the world needs YOUR WORK in it. Yes. Yours.

Do you agree?

(If your answer is no, that is the incorrect answer. Love ya! 😘)

Okay, great. So good news & bad news. You can’t just make your work and expect it to magically appear in front of the people who are going to love it and buy it. You have to, like, do some other stuff.

If the word “marketing” gives you the heebeejeebees, then let’s call it “actualizing your collector base” or “building a community of support for your work” or “finding your people” — whatever helps you feel good about it.

Some of You Right Now: “GIRL cut to the chase, just gimme the link.”
Me: “Okay okay sheesh here you go already.”


I understand that a lot of artists don’t like doing this stuff, and have sometimes built up a TON of resistance to it. That is super unfortunate because it’s a self-limiting move. And I want you not only to find your collectors, but make art something you can do for a LONG TIME and not get BURNED OUT because it feels too hard to get it out there and have people buy it. So that’s why I’ve made this eBook: to help you set a foundation that I truly believe is going to be a massive help to your art business for years to come.


Welp, it’s starting an email list and sending everyone on it an email at least once a month. The title of the eBook is (cleverly) “Why You Gotta Start An Email List & Send (At Least) A Newsletter Every Month (Even If You Don’t Want To). (Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s a mouthful I know.)

I can hear you. You’re either saying this in your mind or possibly out loud. “Uh……wait — that’s it? That’s all? Don’t you have like….a secret, highly propriety, trademarked magic formula that makes it so I just start selling art like crazy and I have to do little or nothing?”

Lemme answer that question with a question.

Is starting an email list, and sending everyone on it a newsletter once a month…Innovative? Sexy? Groundbreaking?


BUT is it an incredibly powerful investment in your long-term growth as an artist — especially if you do it regularly and you’re super-authentic to who you are as an artist and a person? YES.

In my downloadable PDF eBook I’ve made it as EASY as possible to see WHY you gotta do it and HOW you can do it. It’s chock full of tips, tricks, instructions, ideas and examples that are gonna make this as painless as possible for you — and heck maybe even fun!!!


Oh hi, I’m Jess! 🌈❤️

Before I became a full-time artist (who’s been lucky enough to be featured by Anthropologie, Louis Vuitton, Dwell and more) I spent 20+ years as a marketing guru (yeah, I said it) and writer for companies and for individual artists. I’ve also been part of several art coaching programs, and have coached other artists myself!

So yeah, I know some stuff. And I would LOVE for you to put my knowledge to work to grow your art business.

>> Check out my street cred over here on LinkedIn! <<


  • Know you should be building an email list and sending out a newsletter but you just haven’t actually ever done it. Possibly because you don’t want to do it. (This will hopefully make it clear WHY it is so important for you to start, like, today.)

  • Think you don’t need an email list/newsletter because social media is working fine for you. (Hate to tell you this, but that’s an EXTREMELY risky move.)

  • Want a bunch of ideas on what to put in a newsletter — even if you’ve already got one. (50 ideas is a lot of ideas and there are actually quite a bit more than 50 to tell you the truth when you count the examples and such, but 50 is such a nice number you know?)

  • Want to know how to GROW your email list once you’ve got it started. (I’ve got some practical stuff you can do that’s so simple and that works so well it actually feels like magic. There are about 20 ideas to get you started on that.)

And — cheesy as this might sound — I’m offering a money back guarantee. I’m very confident this eBook will be worth your hard-earned money, but if I’m wrong (I mean it happens, but…) I will refund your investment if you don’t feel it was worth it. Drop me a note if you have any questions.


  • This is an eBook - i.e. a digital book, not a physical book you can hold in your hands. Just wanted to be clear on that.

  • After you buy the eBook, you’ll get a link to download it right away.

  • It’s a PDF file, so you can read it on just about any device - your phone, a tablet or a laptop.

  • As mentioned, if you don’t find it to be helpful, I will refund your money. I don’t wanna say with no questions asked, because I will ask some questions because I’ll want to know what didn’t work for you and try to make the book better.

I think that’s it! And thank you!!! For your time and your trust.